Michelle Wright, Ph.D., RN

Michelle Wright's picture
Postdoctoral Associate
600 West Campus Drive, West Haven, CT 06516

Michelle Wright is a Postdoctoral Associate with clinical experience in emergency and neonatal intensive care units. Her undergraduate degree was in Biomedical Sciences and Chemistry from Western Michigan University, master’s degree in Nursing from DePaul University, and doctoral degree from the University of North Dakota. She has completed additional coursework in genetics at the National Institutes of Health, statistical genetics at the University of Washington, perinatal biology for translational research from the University of Texas, and human teratogens from Harvard University. Dr. Wright has also completed a postdoctoral fellowship and Virginia Commonwealth University studying methods for evaluating DNA methylation and microbiome data. Her research interests are centered on investigating relationships among environmental exposures and genomic factors to determine how they contribute to health outcomes in human populations.

Michelle worked on the InterGEN study as a postdoc from 2015-2016 and recently accepted a faculty position at Emory.  Congratulations, Michelle, and thank you for all your work on InterGEN!